5 companies find out employee engagement builds brand advocates

5 companies find out employee engagement builds brand advocates

A study from the National Business Research Institute (NBRI) shares just how important it is to keep employees engaged. Findings include:

  • Engaged employees product twice the work of unengaged employees
  • The average adult spends a quarter to a third of their waking life at work
  • 40% – 80% of customer satisfaction is affected by employee attitudes.

Want some specific examples? Here’s how 5 companies found out employee engagement builds brand advocates.

  1. APPLE: Hands out the latest iPhones to employees before sharing with general consumers, provides employees with unbeatable discounts and treats their workforce like they’re a part of a tight nit family, Employees are positively vocal about the company. This process came naturally to Apple, but most brands don’t have it so easy.
  2. THE BODY SHOP: Is characterized by a strong commitment to being environmentally friendly. So, employees receive regular updates on the environment through training courses and newsletters and are also encouraged to share what they learn with others.
  3. DELL: Asks certified employee to do various social activities on behalf of Dell that speaks to their level of interest and expertise to deepen the company’s social expertise. The company creates a portal to serve up activities, track and reward employees.
  4. KAISER PERMANENTE: previews new initiatives and strategies internally before sharing them externally. This shares principles and philosophy and highlights the values of the organization. Giving employees a sneak peek of external marketing and advertising campaigns also builds ownership of the brand. Hosting celebrations at the onset of a new campaign brings energy and excitement that translate externally.
  5. UNILEVER: Has produced videos, stunts, office branding, emails and competitions to engender a sense of pride and inclusion. 92% of employees say they are clear on the messaging.

As in the case of Apple, sometimes the gift of company products promotes engagement, but most companies aren’t in that position. At Virtual Incentives, we’ve found that employee engagement begins with employee recognition and is helped considerably by small rewards that have a big impact. We provide solutions that help businesses connect with their most valuable employees and partners in ways never before possible. Our prepaid platform is powered by a simple, customizable virtual solution that closes the gap between action/achievement and rewards, rebates and offers. Employees put a face on a corporate brand — to consumers, the community and prospective employees. Simply put, engaged and motivated employees who understand the brand and where it is going translate to happy customers. Does this make you think about promoting employee engagement at your company? Can we share some other examples with you to help?
